Dr. Abbie Gardiner, Naturopathic Doctor
Meet Abbie
Abbie Gardiner is a naturopathic doctor with a focus on the health of women and children. As a mom herself, she is passionate about working with women through pregnancy and postpartum care. She also has experience in managing digestive concerns, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, and mental/emotional concerns. Abbie believes that education is the key to living a healthier life and therefore strives to educate her patients on their health conditions and empower them to make small, daily changes towards healthier living.
website: www.abbiegardiner.com
instagram: @abbiegardiner.nd
Season One
In Season One, Abbie will be joining us at our online September Q&A Chat where we will be talking about balancing hormones. She will be highlighting the steps we can do to help feel more balanced and minimize the fatigue many mothers feel after having a baby. Abbie will also be discussion nutritional support for mothers, including anyone prenatal or postpartum.
Visit our Virtual Gatherings to learn more about this event and pre-register.