Starting 2019 with New Intentions


Setting Goals + Intentions


This is usually the time of the year for review and reflect on questions like what were my achievements? Were there any challenging times? If so, how did they get overcome? What did I learn from those times to bring into the new year and grow from?

It’s also a time where many begin to set new goals and create new intentions for the new year as this time brings a feeling of ending and new beginnings so it creates an obvious feeling of renewal. We’re sharing a few of our favourite ways to reflect, create goals and manifest into the New Year.


5 Elements for Intention Setting

A great place to start when building a foundation for the new year is to look at the five areas below and take time to write down the achievements and challenges from each from 2018 and then write down your intention for 2019 for each element:

  1. Health/Well-Being/Physical

  2. Career

  3. Relationships

  4. Spiritual Growth/Personal Development

  5. Finances



To gain a clear picture of your vision for your ideal life, create some time and space for yourself to focus and be present while you’re answering these questions. To get yourself ‘in the zone’ make it very intentional. You may want to choose a special location, have a good workout beforehand to get the endorphins flowing, or meditate. You may write as much or as little as you like. Here are a few tools to set a vision for yourself.

Goal Setting

Whether you choose to set goals through writing in your journal, connecting with close friends and loved ones to share your visions and reflect, or giving yourself space to meditate, it is good to focus on a big goal and work back on to small, achievable goals in order to get to the big goal.

Intentions & Manifestation

Make space to meditate, visualize, set intentions and to manifest them into reality.

Vision Boards

Create a vision board through collage, small space in your bedroom, office or on your computer to look back on at will.


Take Action

Make yourself accountable by setting realistic timelines throughout the year and do check-ins either monthly or quarterly to see how far you’ve gotten or if you need to make any adjustments.

Sometimes, being accountable can also mean sharing your goals with a close, trusted friend or partner.

Reward yourself

Throughout the year when you achieve one of your goals, whether small or large, treat yourself. Whether its a dinner out, buying a new outfit you’ve been eyeing, or having a celebratory drink - having something that will encourage yourself to keep going is a beneficial way to feel accomplished.


Wishing Everyone A


New Year for 2019!