The Motherhood Redefined Series with Anita Gee
It is an absolute pleasure to spotlight the lovely Anita Gee, a Mom to her beautiful son Emerson, a NICU Nurse and former C0-Founder of Vancouver, Treehouse, a play-based cafe for children and parents. Anita is a beautiful human with such a giving heart -- always going above and beyond for her friends and family and has a passion to give back to the community, particularly to parents in need of outlets to connect with other moms.
We admire Anita’s passion and work within the Vancouver community. She loves her job as a NICU Nurse, taking care or babies and mothers and also is fuelled by the connections she makes within her community of parents.
We asked Anita to share her insights on Motherhood and her journey (so far) below:
What has surprised you the most about yourself (so far) in your motherhood journey?
How much one can unconditionally love another human being and give all that they can for them. I have been grateful in my life to give and receive love within different capacities but the love of a parent, as a mother for my child has been one of the most surprising experiences of all.
What (or who) have you leaned on since becoming a mother?
Immensely grateful for my village of close mommy friends! And going through the ups and downs of motherhood has really helped me navigate through this journey. And most definitely my own mother; she has taught me what to do and what not to do!
What aspects of your *new* identity do you value the most?
How much I have learned about myself through my son. How much more courage I have. How much more resilient I am. How much more mindful I am of my feelings and surroundings. How much more aspirational and motivated I am. How much more of a believer I am. How I am here to protect my son in the face of all challenges and that his safety, happiness, health will now be forever my number one priority.
For more of Anita,
Follow her @java_neetz on Instagram.